この楽曲は、Mantra Vutura[インドネシア]、PARKOGOLF[日本]、similarobjects[フィリピン]の3組のアーティストが、2019年3月にインドネシア・ジャカルタにあるDouble Deer Musicのスタジオに集まり、制作したものです。2016年から続くプロジェクトの発展として、アーティストの周囲を取り巻く文化状況に対して境界を意図的に引き、お互いのアイデンティと向き合う試みである「Bordering Practice」というテーマのもとで、今回のプログラムは実施されました。3組のアーティストと3つのレーベル、この機会がなければ交錯することのなかったであろう3つの都市の境界上に生まれたサウンドをお楽しみください。

These three music tracks were created collaboratively when the artists Mantra Vutura from Indonesia, PARKOGOLF from Japan, and similarobjects from the Philippines came together in the studio of Double Deer Music in Jakarta, Indonesia, in March 2019.Ongoing since 2016, this is the latest development of a project that explores the theme of “bordering practice” through an attempt to intentionally draw borders and boundaries onto the contemporary cultural contexts that surround artists, and then confront each other’s identities.Please enjoy the results of this unique intersection and interaction of three artists and three music labels, born at the borders of three cities.









北海道札幌市出身。2013年にネットレーベル「Maltine Records」からのリリースで注目を集める。15年にSeiho主宰のDay Tripper Recordsより1stアルバム『Par』をリリース。自身初となる配信曲「KissMe」はiTunesのエレクトロニックチャートで1位を獲得。以降、tofubeatsや藤井隆らのリミックスを手掛け、DAOKOのメジャーデビュー作ではプロデュースを務めるなど幅広い活動を展開。17年には2ndアルバム『REO』をリリース。18年には韓国のラッパー・Jvcki Waiとのコラボレーションシングル「xaradise」を発表。ゲスの極み乙女。、唾奇のリミックスやchelmico、あっこゴリラなど数多くのアーティストに楽曲提供も行う。

Born in the Hokkaido capital of Sapporo, Japan, PARKGOLF started making music professionally in 2012. He attracted attention with his release on the netlabel Maltine Records in 2013. In 2015, he released his first album Par on Day Tripper Records. "Kiss Me," his first online release, reached the top of the iTunes electronic music chart. His wide-ranging career has included producing the major label debut by DAOKO as well as supplying tracks for a variety of artists. In 2017, he released his second album, REO. In 2018, he released "xaradise" in collaboration with the South Korean rapper Jvcki Wai.


サウンドアーティスト、DJ /

BuwanBuwan Collective主宰

Sound artist / DJ /

Head of BuwanBuwan Collective

マニラを拠点に、音楽制作の教育に携わり、プロデューサーとしても活動。古来から現在まで、そして忘却されつつある文化を見通す視点、さらには複数のジャンルや技法を使うポリスタイリズムやスピリチュアリティ、密教から独自の表現を追求する。さらにはビデオゲームとアートの交錯を聴覚的に表現しようと試行している。そのサウンドスケープは、現代の混沌と自然との間にある様々な変化をも表す。デラサール大学聖ベニルデ校の音楽制作プログラムの教員として教鞭をとる一方、電子音楽の学校「Cosmic Sonic Arts」を開設し、音楽を創造するための精神的なアプローチを次世代に伝えている。

Jorge Juan B. Wieneke (aka similarobjects) is an electronic music educator and producer from Manila, the Philippines. Seeking to aurally express the intersection of video games and art by utilizing the theoretical frameworks of polystylism, spirituality, and the esoteric, he reaches into the depths of the present day with older, almost-forgotten cultural lenses. His soundscapes fluctuate between contemporary chaos and the distant, hypnotic cries of nature. He also teaches at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, and founded his own music school, Cosmic Sonic Arts, where he fosters a spiritual approach to creating music.

Mantra VuturaMantra Vutura




Comprising two energetic young men who grew up together, Mantra Vutura is a breeze of fresh air in Indonesia's electronic music scene. Tristan and Zaki went to the same elementary school and clicked instantly, having both come from families with musical backgrounds. The lineup of Tristan on keyboard and Zaki on percussion was formed in the earliest stages of their musical development. The duo's name is meant to represent the two main aspects to its music: "mantra" is an Indonesian word meaning "spells," chosen to express the native side the pair adapts from traditional cultures such as traditional chanting and percussion, while "vutura" derives from the word "future," representing the forward-looking dimension the duo brings to electronic music.

Maltine Records



2005年に設立された「Maltine Records」は、東京を拠点に、ウェブとスマートフォン向けアプリで楽曲を配信するネットレーベル。「ダンスミュージックとポップミュージックの狭間にある音楽」をコンセプトとして、現在までに100組以上のアーティストが関わり、約180以上の楽曲をリリース。2009年からは、都内のクラブにてイベント活動も開始。2014年には海外のアーティストも招いて過去最大規模のイベント「東京」を開催し、約1000人のファンを集める。さらに現地主催者との共同オーガナイズにより、2015年3月にはイギリス・ロンドンで、2016年3月にはニューヨーク・オースティン・ロサンゼルス3都市でアメリカツアーを開催。アパレルや書籍、アイドルとのコラボレーションや、アプリなどの制作等、音楽レーベルの枠を超えた一つのカルチャー・コミュニティとしてインターネット上と都市を跨いで機能している。

Founded in 2005, Maltine Records is a Japanese netlabel. The Tokyo-based Maltine Records is currently run by tomad and releases music through its website and smartphone app. Now in its twelfth year, Maltine Records has attracted a strong fan base as a leading presence in the Japanese netlabel music scene. Conceived as a record label sitting between dance and pop music, it presently has over 100 artists and acts on its roster and a back catalog of some 180 releases. Since 2009, Maltine Records has also organized events at clubs in Tokyo. Its largest event to date was "Tokyo" in 2014, featuring visiting overseas artists and attracting around 1,000 fans. Building on a growing international fan base, it has also partnered with local organizers to hold an event in London in March 2015 and an American tour of three cities (New York, Austin, Los Angeles) in March 2016. From fashion items to books, collaborations with music idols, and even its own phone app, Maltine is more than just a record label but a cultural community straddling the online and urban spheres.

BuwanBuwan Collective




Buwan-Buwan is a traditional Filipino game that enacts a lunar eclipse. Players draw a circle on the ground representing the moon, inside which they must stay. One player acts as the Bakunawa, the mythical giant sea serpent who eats the moon: this player may not enter the circle, but tries to touch the other players inside in order to switch places. Buwan-Buwan has been all but forgotten by a generation of young Filipino urbanites weaned on gadgets and mass media. A Pinoy beatmakers and electronic musicians collective, label, and platform, BuwanBuwan appropriate the concept of this game its members in fact never played as children, transforming it into a framework for their perpetual creative exchanges, a departure point for defining their identity as Filipino artists, and, above all, a common ground where they can all play.

Double Deer MusicDouble Deer Music



ジャカルタを拠点に、多様なジャンルの楽曲制作と配信、エレクトロニックミュージックのスクールを主宰するレーベル。現在、ジャカルタの音楽関連のエンターテインメント産業は、多角的かつダイナミックに変化を遂げているが、Double Deer Musicはこうした状況に有機的に対応し、クリエイティビティを持ち込むべく、様々なプロダクションも行っている。豊かな音楽文化の実現を目指し、常に高いレベルを求め、変化への対応と、次代にくる表現への追求に情熱を注いでいる。その幅広い活動は、国内のみならずアメリカ、イギリス、日本、韓国、そして台湾における協働制作へと広がり、これまでにメルセデス・ベンツ、アディダス、インテルといったブランドのクライアントワークも手掛けている。取り扱う音楽表現も多様性を有し、現在はKimoKal、Mantra Vutura、Rayssa Dynta、RL KLAV、Luise Najibといった音楽家が所属している。

Responding organically to the ever-changing dynamic of Jakarta’s multifaceted, audio-related entertainment industry, Double Deer Music prides itself on being a purveyor of creativity. It is passionate about celebrating the rich culture of music by constantly pushing the envelope, shaking things up, and seeing what’s under the rainbow. Its wide range of talent has earned national and international recognition in the US, UK, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Its past credits include representing such brands as Mercedes Benz Indonesia, Adidas Indonesia, and Intel Indonesia. Double Deer Music has recently branched out to take on a fresh roster of artists and its current packed lineup features the likes of KimoKal, Mantra Vutura, Rayssa Dynta, RL KLAV, and Luise Najib.

Program Directors: Rezky Prathama Nugraha & Eva Nadia Rivaldy (Double Deer), tomad (Organizer, DJ / Head of Maltine Records)

Production Manager: Jun Yokoyama

Producer: Fumi Hirota (Japan Foundation Asia Center)

Produced by Double Deer Music

Organized by the Japan Foundation Asia Center